Modern Dandyism – Colour Blocking, Cable Knit & Layering

Modern Dandyism – Colour Blocking, Cable Knit & Layering

Jean Chan Modern Dandyism

At London Fashion Week I was instantly drawn to Cristo. This collection had me going gaga. So much so, that Maria and I decided to take the opportunity and do a photoshoot of it. In his own words, Hong Kong designer Jean Chan describes his collection.

Modern Dandyism

The SS13 collection Modern Dandyism is an experimental take on new generation menswear. I am trying to create a new kind of men who are very well groomed and yet sort of delicate and fragile, kind of like mixing the idea of a man and flowers together since this is the sort of men I am obsessed with. My kind of men. Beautiful, pale skin and delicate. I have also drawn some retro inspiration from The Great Gatsby, bringing to life the mood of eccentricity and good-taste-be-damned point of view.

Modern Man Collection

Mis-matching colours and louder-the-better floral prints, these are the collective ideas of what I think modern men should be wearing. It tells the story of timeless sartorial perfection.

Cristo talks about what he is wearing


Jean Chan Modern Dandyism

Layering short shorts

Jean Chan Modern Dandyism

Floral prints

Jean Chan Modern Dandyism

Paisley prints

Jean Chan - Modern Dandyism, cable knit

Jean Chan Modern Dandyism

About The Author

Gracie Opulanza

Global menswear and luxury lifestyle journalist. Co-founder and editor in chief of Men Style Fashion. is my personal blog. Protection Status

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